New Engineering Manager Appointed

About this Project

To give our clients the very best in service we’ve appointed a new Engineering Manager…..

Phil Crooks brings with him 25+ years of engineering and project management experience.

After just a few months he’s already bought in new fresh ideas and improvements to our existing service delivery, and if you haven’t already spoken to Phil then it wont be long as he works his way through meeting & greeting our new and existing clients.

Managing Director Simon Roberts (comments….
ASGuk has been providing security safety and automatic entry systems for 28 years now . We’re making changes and recruiting new team members to better meet our client needs for now and the future.

The way clients buy our type of services and the needs of their business is changing so we’re keeping up with those changes by constantly reviewing how we do things.
Phils appointment is a key part of meeting those needs and its a pleasure to have him on board.


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