High Definition IP CCTV

About this Project

High Definition IP CCTV, Usable CCTV Evidence

Have you ever borrowed things from the office with the intention of returning them the next day?

Maybe you thought that taking the odd pen, paper or notepad would never be noticed.


Recent research carried out has revealed that British employees who ‘borrow’ things from offices are costing UK, employers, approximately £2 billion a year.

Mobile phones, computer hardware and office stock are also common items that go missing from offices.

Four out of five people see nothing wrong with stealing from their workplace.

Nearly two thirds of people admitted they have taken stationery home from work, more than 44 per cent of people admitted to ‘opportunistic theft’,  a third said they had stolen from their employer.


We were recently contacted by a company who were having problems with office theft. Items such as petty cash, stationery, gift items and stock was going missing daily.


We have installed a number of High Definition IP CCTV Cameras providing an overview of the office areas.

The installation was straight forward and we didn’t have to install and new cabling as we were able to use the existing network infrastructure.

As the offices had spare capacity on an existing server we were able to install the Milestone XProtect software to provide seamless high quality recording of the High Definition IP CCTV camera.


Because the High Definition IP CCTV camera can be set to a wider image and you can digitally zoom in for clearer images after the event, you’ll need fewer cameras to cover the same typical area, so more cost efficient overall.

Interested in finding out more – call our office on 01452 721 721 for free advice and help

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